Commissioned Artwork

Interested in a custom painting?

Want to immortalize Fluffy on canvas?

Have a picture of a child you would like to create into an original painting?

Like one of my paintings and would like your own original version of it?

Want a great custom gift for a loved one?

Reach out and see if a commissioned painting would be the perfect option for you. I will give you a free quote on the price and time it will take to complete.

Just reach out below.

Contact Us


    How much does a commissioned painting cost?

    I usually charge by a simple formula: Length x Height x 3. For example an 8×10 inch painting would be 8 x 10 x 3 = $240.

    How long does it take to complete? How far in advance should I plan this?

    Due to time constraints of a full time job, family life, and other things I usually tell people to allow me 2-3 months to get a commissioned painting completed.

    What surfaces do you paint on?

    I paint on Canvas, canvas board, and wood boards. We can discuss what surface would be good for you and the pros and cons of each.

    Are you available to paint a commissioned painting right now?

    Right now I am available for commissioned work but it is best to reach out through email to verify availability and time of estimated completion.

    Do the paintings come framed?

    No, the paintings do not come framed to allow you to pick your own frame to best match your decor.

    What types of paintings do you do for commissions? (I.E Portraits, landscapes, pet portraits)

    Yes, yes, and yes. I do reserve the right to deny images I deem inappropriate.

    Do I need to pay up front?

    I ask for half of cost up front to get supplies and get started and then the rest at time of completion.

    What type of paintings can I order?

    I paint in oil, acrylic, and even digital.